Blogs began as a way for individuals to get their two-cents’ worth out in the wild and wooly internet world.
Some were rants, some were funny, others were informative, and a few were downright offensive.
But pretty quickly, web marketers noticed that blogs were popping up high on topic searches. Turns out that search engines are big on relevant content, and content is one of blogging’s strong points. In fact, it’s the whole point. And it works, especially if it’s done well and done purposefully.
Here are just a few reasons why blogging should be an integral part of your marketing:
The bottom line? If you don’t have a well-run blogging plan, you’re missing out. Marketing experts agree that blogging is one of the most valuable tools in a digital marketer’s strategy. It’s simple to do and is highly effective. All it takes is a commitment and a plan. Here’s how to get started:
Blogging is an important part of your business’s overall Content Management strategy and the e-commerce business is full of case studies showing remarkable blog-driven growth. Let the Content Management experts at the Unleaded Group share some of those stories with you and help you build a blogging strategy for your company. We employ writers with top-level experience in copywriting and create interesting, content-rich blogs including keywords relevant to what searchers are looking for.
Online marketing today is more than just having a website. It takes a coordinated strategy that includes content, design, and technical know-how. When you’re ready to expand your marketing reach, the Unleaded Group is here to help. We have an entire department focused on the latest in content management and site optimization with an award-winning design team and industry-best technical talent to back them up. Check out our e-commerce blog for ideas on how your site can stand out and perform at its best.