Theory, application and thought play into digital experiences. We bring you the latest updates for your education and application.
When it comes to website design, there are many opinions as to what works best and what the most user-friendly design is. Many experts work tirelessly to create options that bring web design to the next level. Today’s designs see trends developing that are becoming more and more popular, and are probably here to stay.
When it comes to image use on your website, within your blog or in your social media posts, the JPG, PNG, and GIF file formats are the most commonly used. However, it is important to remember that each of these come with very different capabilities and are not cross-compatible. Here, we will look at the pros and cons of each, and give you our recommendation on where and when to use each one successfully.
At one time or another, no matter which browser you use, you have likely seen an error message. These messages are actually known as “HTTP Status Codes,” and are delivered to your browser whenever an error occurs while loading a requested page. Most of these error codes are three-digits, allowing you to pinpoint what the specific error is. For example, error codes beginning with a number 4 are considered to be “client errors,” meaning they occurred on your end of the search.
In a day and age where hackers are attacking large-scale data storage at the retail, government and private sector levels on a regular basis, the renowned “Tech Giants” (Google, Microsoft, Amazon and others) are getting together to improve the security of email.
On March 15th of this year, Google launched a new suite of services designed to support enterprise marketers in an effort to help them better understand, and even better yet, connect with their customers no matter which device their customers are using, or where they are in the buying process.